
La Normativa R 159 y su Impacto en las Flotas de Autobuses: Hacia un Transporte más Seguro

Mejorando la Seguridad en Flotas de Autobuses: Claves de la Normativa R 159

Explora cómo la Normativa R 159 está definiendo un nuevo estándar en seguridad para las flotas de autobuses. En nuestro artículo más reciente, detallamos los aspectos esenciales de esta normativa, centrada en sistemas avanzados de detección de peligro de atropello con usuarios vulnerables de la vía (VRUs). Profundizamos en las tecnologías que están marcando la diferencia, como cámaras de alta definición y sistemas de alerta temprana, y cómo su implementación no solo cumple con regulaciones cruciales, sino que también mejora la seguridad y eficiencia operativa de las flotas de autobuses. Descubre estrategias efectivas para adaptar tu flota a esta normativa, asegurando un transporte más seguro y confiable para todos.

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La Normativa R151 y su Impacto en las Flotas de Autobuses: Mejorando la Seguridad Vial

Adaptación a la Normativa R151: Una Nueva Era en la Seguridad y Eficiencia de las Flotas de Autobuses

La Normativa R151 trae consigo un cambio significativo para las flotas de autobuses, centrando la atención en la seguridad avanzada y la eficiencia operativa. En nuestro último artículo, exploramos cómo esta normativa no solo representa un cumplimiento legal, sino también una oportunidad para mejorar la experiencia y confianza de los pasajeros. Descubre las estrategias clave y las tecnologías innovadoras que pueden transformar tu flota de autobuses, garantizando un transporte más seguro y eficiente para todos.

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Normativa 158: Clave para una Conducción Segura Al Inicio de La Marcha Atrás

La seguridad vial es una preocupación constante en Europa, y la Normativa R158 es un claro reflejo del compromiso por mejorarla. Esta normativa se centra en un aspecto crítico de la conducción: la seguridad al inicio de la marcha atrás. La implementación de sistemas avanzados para asistir al conductor durante estas maniobras no solo representa […]

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Active Safety Cameras: Protecting Pedestrians, Cyclists and Improving Bus Driving

Safety in public transport is of vital importance to guarantee the integrity of passengers, as well as pedestrians and cyclists who share the roads. In recent years, active safety cameras have become an essential tool to improve safety on buses. These cameras, strategically located […]

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BusBrain: Innovative Monitoring and Security System for Bus Fleets

Managing and supervising a fleet of buses is a task that comes with many challenges. Operations managers face a series of pains and concerns daily that impact both the efficiency of the service and the safety of their passengers and drivers. Some of these challenges are: Real-Time Tracking: Knowing at all times where […]

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Take advantage of NextGen aids and optimize your fleet with fleet management and telematics services

NextGen helps to boost the digitalization of your companies Welcome to this exciting article in which we will present you with news that will completely change the way you manage your companies! Are you ready to find out how to get NextGen support to take your business to the next level? Azimut is here to guide you in this exciting […]

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Technology and Active Safety: Safeguarding the Safety on Board of Passengers, Drivers and Pedestrians

Safety is a fundamental aspect in transport, both for passengers who use the means of transport and for drivers and pedestrians. In recent years, technology has played a crucial role in the development of innovative solutions to ensure safety on board vehicles. In this article, we will explore […]

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360 Vision Cameras for Buses: Improving Safety and Efficiency

360 vision cameras have become an innovative technology that is transforming the transportation industry, especially in the case of buses. These cameras provide a complete view of the vehicle's surroundings, allowing drivers to have greater control and awareness of their surroundings. In this article, we will explore in detail […]

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Advantages and benefits of installing digital mirrors on your buses

Digital mirrors are an increasingly popular technology in the public transport sector, and rightly so. Installing these digital devices on buses offers a wide variety of benefits and advantages over traditional rearview mirrors. In this article, we'll explore some of the reasons why digital mirrors are a crucial improvement for modern buses.

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Innovation at the service of road safety: reversing camera and other smart devices

New technologies are helping to increase road safety. A clear example of this is the reversing camera that can be seen in a growing number of freight and passenger transports. To this is added that the European Union has published four regulations that seek to combat accidents. What aspects do they regulate? What measures [...]

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