Because it is necessary to administer questionnaires to your passengers

Social networks are nowadays a means of expressing our opinion on practically anything. Our travel experiences are obviously no exception. Transport companies are often not interested in this precious information which is in fact particularly difficult to retrieve, aggregate and transform into statistical data. On the other hand, the level of satisfaction of one's customers is a factor to be taken into account!

What to do then?

In Azimut conosciamo la risposta: la nostra piattaforma di intrattenimento AOD offre un comodo e pratico strumento per somministrare questionari ai passeggeri.


What is the true value of a statistical survey?

The success of a business is based on various factors and clearly one of them is the satisfaction of its customers. To achieve this you need excellent service and make sure that your brand is linked to a pleasant experience. Unfortunately, your efforts may be in vain if you ignore what customers expect from you. So the Azimut platform comes to your aid. In fact, submitting a questionnaire to passengers is the simplest way to make sure of what your customers' perceived level of satisfaction is.

In the event that the result highlights critical aspects of your service, you can implement corrective actions to improve your image or to maintain the dominant position in the market that you have laboriously achieved.

The Aziumt OD survey tool will become your best ally to implement that continuous improvement process that is so essential to your business success.

Questionnaires adapted to your needs

The tool for submitting questionnaires to passengers developed by Azimut is particularly flexible. You can obviously customize the data of your company, but you can also choose a precise period of time in which to carry out the surveys. You can also choose various types of graphics and the language in a question are expressed.

The range of questions that can be asked is limited only by the needs of your company. They can be very concrete or try to detect qualitative impressions of this or that aspect of your service.

You can even propose open-ended questions, ie questions in which the passenger must write their opinions, using a maximum of predefined characters.

Occorre notare inoltre che le inchieste somministrate attraverso la nostra interfaccia AOD possono essere volontarie come accade nella normalità dei casi, oppure obbligatorie se la vostra società dovesse trovarsi nella necessità urgente di conoscere l'opinione dei propri clienti in tempi rapidi.

The results are finally collected and aggregated by Azimut staff and presented in the clearest possible form.


The key to transforming the results of an investigation into economic success.

Every time a user answers a questionnaire about his satisfaction with the service offered, he is spending his time. It is an effort that must always be taken into account and of great commercial value. The correct interpretation of all collected data can easily be translated into corrective actions to improve the quality of your service: this is the secret to always staying one step ahead of the competition!

Un ulteriore aspetto di cui tenere conto è che con le inchieste, è possibile creare un profilo dei passeggeri. Questo vi aiuterà a offrire servizi e prodotti sempre più adatti alla vostra clientela aumentando quindi il gradimento dei servizi che offrite. In questo senso non occorre nemmeno aver timore delle opinioni negative. Vari studi dimostrano che gli utenti in generale sono impressionati molto positiva da un impresa che pone attenzione alle loro lamentele dimostrando di avere a cuore la loro soddisfazione. In altre parole, con le inchieste che si possono somministrare attraverso la piattaforma AOD, anche le opinioni negative dei vostri passeggeri si potranno trasformare in punti a vostro favore!.




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