Caso de éxito: Buchard Voyages Incorpora Autobuses Setra Equipados con Tecnología de Entretenimiento Embarcado de Azimut

Buchard Voyages, la principal compañía suiza de transporte de pasajeros, ha llevado la experiencia de viaje al siguiente nivel con la reciente adquisición de cuatro autobuses Setra, fabricados por Daimler. Este movimiento no solo subraya su compromiso con la seguridad y el confort, sino que también introduce una dimensión avanzada de entretenimiento a bordo, gracias a la colaboración con Azimut Electronics.
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Sistemas de entretenimiento

La Normativa R 159 y su Impacto en las Flotas de Autobuses: Hacia un Transporte más Seguro

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Innovación en Conectividad: El Caso de Éxito de KPKM con Wi-Fi Gratuito en Autobuses

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Wi-fi ES

Castrosua Innovando la Seguridad en el Transporte con el Retrovisor Digital Mirrorcam de Azimut

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Ofrece sistemas de energía a bordo del autobús y mejora la experiencia de viaje de tus pasajeros

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System integration in buses

System integration, the key to the success of on-board devices and passenger entertainment systems In the bus and coach environment it is essential to achieve system integration, we can have various connection options such as SAE, ticketing, driving monitoring, entertainment systems, Wi-Fi, cctv, etc. Traditionally each environment has meant the installation of a “black box” […]

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4 ways to offer onboard entertainment and how to choose the best option

Currently, anybody can access multiple entertainment platforms and consume a great deal of content. This fact allows us to have a wide cultural background based on our experience, and to share our opinions and recommendations with other regular consumers of content. At this point, the arising question as operators is: “If I’m a regular content […]

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Effectively advertising your onboard entertainment system

If you are reading this post you are one of the operators interested in offering the best service and continuing to enhance it once it is implemented. Today it is not enough to have an entertainment system; advertising it and making it accessible to passengers is also one of the most important factors. The objective […]

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Ready for group travel?

Although the importance of satisfying each passenger individually is well-known, there is a very special passenger profile which not only requires immediate entertainment but which is also a source of direct feedback throughout the journey for both the company and the rest of the passengers. We are talking about passengers who decide to travel in […]

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Traveling with children. Heaven or hell?

Nowadays, when most of the trips made by bus are for leisure, is very usual to find the strictest passenger profile. The passengers that look for high-quality onboard entertainment and the one that not only their trip companions have to suit to, even the rest of the bus. We are talking about the kids. Because […]

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