How to get the best content for your passengers? what content can I achieve?

“Content is king”, say the Anglo-Saxons. Regardless of technology, comfort or other factors, the success of content consumption will depend on making the right selection.

The best option is always to put yourself in the shoes of our passengers. What do you think? What do you need? Does the circumstances of the trip affect them in any way?

Since the beginning of our initiative, we have been analyzing the consumption of content, reaching some interesting results. Some obvious.

The device from which it is accessed matters

To begin with, the typology of terminals. The consumption of content in fixed terminals in the vehicle is not the same as in the passenger's own terminals. Consumption is significantly reduced if the passenger has to use their own device. This is due to multiple reasons such as battery consumption, the quality and resolution of the device, the absence of headphones or the reluctance to connect one's own terminal to an external network.

The type of content depends on the duration and type of trip

The type of trip also influences. Movies, which is the most consumed content, are conducive to long journeys, and can be combined with other lighter content. In short tours, the consumption of other contents that can be consumed completely is required. Short-distance users have a different mentality, they want specific things, they greatly appreciate being informed, internet access is very important, they also appreciate television , being able to access this environment remotely is quite popular with the audience. The connection in these environments has to be very simple, agile and communicated correctly.

The series deserve a specific section. Despite the fact that, in the current environment of society, it is a highly consumed product, in mobile environments it is far from those success rates. The reason is very clear, the series that are consumed are totally current and that, for reasons of the life cycle of audiovisual products, the offer that can be obtained is limited.

….And of course the passenger profile

The type of passenger also influences. A children's audience is not the same, a mostly young audience or another more adult. Young people have a primary need that is the consumption of data from their own device. A good internet connection is the best content that can be offered. However, it is necessary to regulate what is offered and how it is offered, since excessive data consumption , unlimited for example, can cause more economic damage than benefit through passenger satisfaction .

The children's audience is key. They are great consumers of content, movies and series of children's type. It is always necessary to have a part dedicated to this audience in the content grid.

The adult public adapts more to the circumstances. In the mornings, especially with radio, internet or television, when he is tired he consumes content that relaxes him, movies, series or television. They are also quite interested in listening to music or podcasts. Other contents read, press, magazines, books, attend to other consumption patterns.

The solution: content packages tailored to your needs

At Azimut we are aware of the importance of content. We have created the initiative to classify our clients and their routes with a typology and generate an offer in the form of a package of movies and series adapted to the needs of each client. We manage these content packages directly to facilitate the operation and they are periodically renewed depending on the audience and their seniority.

These packages are complemented by specific offers from content providers in the press, training in English, magazines, books, as well as the possibility of adding any other audiovisual content that the operator chooses, taking into account the legal considerations of the regulatory system, which we will explain in an additional blog.


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