The advantages of the surveys made thanks to the Wifi system

Everyone knows the importance of getting feedback from our customers, in order to improve in those most criticized areas, but also take note of the good work in those other areas that customers appreciate.

Doing surveys is without a doubt the best method of obtaining the opinion of customers. Through surveys we can formulate questions in order to obtain answers from our customers in order to be able to process this data in order to make decisions and act thanks to this valuable information.

The difficulty comes when the polls are not done in a simple office, if not on board a bus. In this case, the hostess or driver must distribute the questionnaires to each passenger so that they can complete them. Finally, it will be necessary to recover the surveys to introduce them into the database for later use. This is not very practical in a moving vehicle. What to do then?


This is where our WiFi system comes into play. WiFi systems offer advanced features for conducting surveys, and greatly simplify our work because we avoid:

There is also another advantage, that many of these wifi systems do not allow access to the Internet until the questionnaire is completed, this guarantees us to have a complete survey.


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