Why is it important that my Wifi system is coach specific?

When companies decide to implement Wi-Fi networks in cars, whether internal (corporate use) or as a public service to their customers, they must analyze several factors that affect performance, management and operation. network efficiency. In this case, the choice of the router is fundamental, we must take into account the aspects related to the hardware: Where will I install it? What are the requirements for a perfect installation? And also with the software: Is it a mobile environment? Will I give service to multiple users simultaneously?

Choose the hardware of the router. Where am I going to install it?

The first questions you should ask yourself before choosing a router are: How will I use it? And in what environment will I place it? With these three examples, we can see how this influences the physical choice of device (hardware) based on functionality.

Specific hardware requirements for coaches

These are just examples when choosing the hardware according to the environment in which it will be. Just like a coach company that decides to install wifi routers in its fleet to offer this service to its passengers, must ensure that the routers chosen, the hardware must meet the requirements of those around it:

Do I need specific software for the coach?
So far we've covered how hardware can influence when choosing the right router, but what about software? Should it be chosen according to the use it will have? The answer is yes.
Like any software, it must be specific to the sector / use for which it is intended, for example, a large company does not have the same management needs as an SME or a distribution company.

At this point we can observe that the coach sector like any other sector has specific software needs to offer the Wifi service and at the same time be driven by two factors:
1) This is a mobility environment, not a static one.
2) You must provide service to several users outside the company simultaneously.

As we can see the software of our Wifi system must satisfy both factors if we want to cover our needs, this means being able to manage each of the passenger connections on our system in order to take control of our network which, remember, the company owns it.

Why not choose a solution that is not intended for passenger transport?

Choosing a Wifi solution not intended for a coach and for the transport of passengers, inevitably we would obtain a poor service both at the level of the Wifi network and of the data connection, on the other hand we would notice the absence of the possible functions for configuration and management of the network by the company.
This lack of management causes the excessive use of the bandwidth of certain users with Internet pages not suitable for viewing in a public space, causing poor connection for other passengers, as well as the possibility of exceeding the volume. data we have in our plan with the mobile operator; ultimately, we would get a negative perception of the Wifi service and company brand.



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