Wifi as an onboard communication tool with passengers

We all understand the importance of maintaining communication with our passengers as well as how to communicate with them. Companies are looking for ways to reach their customers: advertisements on television, radio, billboards, etc. But among all these types of advertising, the most innovative and technological are beginning to replace traditional advertisements which are also the most expensive. In this article we are going to talk about a new way to interact with customers, the wifi system as a tool for on-board communication with coach passengers .

Currently, the forms of marketing and communications on board a coach are posters / brochures, LCD screens with rotating content. These modes of communication show advertising content, information or sometimes questionnaires for passengers, but in many cases this may not be enough because this type of advertising is widespread while we want to establish a direct and personal action with passengers.

Faced with this traditional system, we can use Wifi as a tool for on-board communication with passengers, a very valuable tool that will provide us with very important information that we can use later to improve the service, moreover, this has no no additional cost, since we obtain a better return from this service which we already offer to our customers and which enhances the company.

Interact with the passenger with the Wifi system
By using the Wifi system as a communication tool on board, we achieve that the communication is not unidirectional (company – customer), but we obtain feedback from the passenger, on the one hand we can send information to passengers such as advertising or satisfaction questionnaires, and on the other hand, to receive information from the travelers themselves with their answers to the satisfaction questionnaires, suggestions, etc.

This new form of communication is one of the most effective means and we interact with the passenger on his own device, a direct and personal communication is established. On the other hand, it solves a complicated situation for passenger transport companies, the fact of avoiding questionnaires on paper which entails a person hand-delivering the questionnaires to the passengers, then collecting them and finally introducing the response in a database.

Finally, it is important to emphasize the importance, for all the elements described in this article, of being able to count on a Wifi system in our coaches and able to carry out these tasks in order to exploit and take advantage of this new way of communication with our passengers.


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