Installation of a personal distraction system on a new vehicle or aftermarket?

Investing in an individual coach entertainment system is a decision that has a lot to do with the service profile of the car: Regular/discretionary; distance traveled; traveler profile; the age of the vehicle and logically the questions about the investment itself: the cost, the operating costs and the return.

In principle, we should think of making the investment on a new car, in order to maximize the duration of the return of the investment. In addition, the finish can be better if we carry out the installation of the wiring at the bodybuilder taking advantage that this one is manufacturing the bodywork.

When is an Aftermarket installation advisable?

There are cases in which Aftermarket installation is recommended or required:

Logically, the installation will be carried out on a relatively recent coach (less than two years old would be a good option) and which will remain in the company's fleet for at least 3-4 years in order to allow adequate commercial operation.

Advice on installing the UTE

Aftermarket installation , carried out by a technical service expert in the field, offers a level of quality equivalent to factory installation . For this it is necessary to ensure that the supports of the screens on the back of the seats fulfill their objectives in terms of design and reliability, and be approved for its use. Also that the experience of the installation team assures us that they will install the wiring by the best places and with the required quality standards, in a short stop so as not to affect the service plan of the car. Two or three days for installation and commissioning is a more than reasonable time for an installation of this type.

In conclusion, the Aftermarket installation of an individual distraction system offers both possibilities, each with its advantages, and it is true that the non-availability of a new car in the coming months should not prevent the installation and to be able to count on a personalized on-board entertainment system, but perhaps this would even be the opportunity to be able to do so.


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