The importance of an entertainment system

It is now a clear fact that today, when we think about passenger transport, we don't simply need to worry about timetables and routes. Travel comfort is becoming increasingly important and services capable of increasing the quality of travel can be crucial.


Evolution in the sector

The passenger transport market today requires operators to continuously increase the added value of the services offered. Passengers today expect to be “transported” to their destination while maintaining the levels of comfort they are normally used to. Hence, an entertainment system up to the latest technological standards can succeed in the almost impossible task of making every traveler feel as if he had never left his "sofa"

Obviously, all this seems geological eras from the old way of looking at the passenger transport service: once it was enough to offer news, sports or old films through a centralized TV. No one would ever protest by asking to see a particular movie.

As we have said, geological eras seem to have passed. Technology today allows us to do things that were unthinkable just a few years ago and this transformation seems unstoppable.

Operators who want to dominate their sector or continue to maintain their position of advantage over the competition can only comply with these new standards, installing as quickly as possible all those systems capable of offering their passengers an entertainment offer at the height. of their expectations.


Evolution of the contents

Considering the offer on the market today, it is intuitive to list which services could be most appreciated by customers:

In fact, anyone can take advantage of these contents and services via their smartphone while going to work, or in the comfort of their own home with friends. But what happens during a trip by bus, train or ship?

The connection speed is slow or absent at all!

What to do then?

The answer is provided by Azimut with its OD platform.

I passeggeri in viaggio verso le proprie destinazione preferite, troveranno in Azimut una risorsa ricca di opzioni per tutti i gusti, con novità e aggiornamenti continui. Per avere un idea dell'ampia offerta visitate questo link.


Dedicated screen or passenger devices?

To use the contents and services of the Azimut OD platform, operators have two options:

– installare a bordo dei propri mezzi il sistema base composto dal solo server Azimut OD

- install the complete system of individual screens in the rear of each passenger seat

In ambo i casi i passeggeri potranno avere accesso alla piattaforma Azimut OD. Ci sono però alcune differenze che occorre evidenziare


Advantages of screens integrated into the seat

You can see in the following link how access to the OD platform for the passenger was intuitive, quick and pleasant. The high-contrast touch LCD screen guarantees a clear and detailed view and responds to the passenger's commands immediately.

From the image it is clear that the options satisfy all tastes and above all, all age groups. The overall quality of your offer will significantly increase. None of your passengers will think of the time spent on board your vehicles as a sacrifice to endure before reaching their destination. Traveling by your own means will become a pleasant experience, to be repeated and above all to be recommended to friends and told on social media



Advantages of accessing the OD platform through the passenger device

Rendere accessibile la piattaforma Azimut OD facendo affidamento sui dispositivi personali dei passeggeri è chiaramente una soluzione più economica. Non sarà necessario modificare la dotazione dei propri mezzi in maniera radicale e il tempo di installazione del server Azimut OD sarà brevissimo.

Of course, it should be borne in mind that in this case it would still be advisable to offer access to USB charging points in each seat. We certainly do not want the passengers' devices to run out before they have had the opportunity to see the end of the film they had chosen!

Anche in questo caso Azimut è in grado di proporre una sistema di moduli componibili per installare in maniera veloce e ordinata le prese USB lungo tutta la lunghezza dei vostri mezzi. Un ulteriore vantaggio del sistema di distribuzione della corrente Azimut è che successivi aggiornamenti dei vostri mezzi potranno beneficiare di questo sistema. Per maggiori informazioni potete visitare questo link


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