A passenger will pay €1.87 per day to access the new films: BUSPAD and AOD?

After having seen on several previous blogs one of the motives to install the entertainment system on board, is the possibility of obtaining profits. Whether through the integration of an online store, advertising management, payment for Internet access and Premium content, it is therefore true that this type of system generates the possibility of extra profits for coach companies.

On this blog we will focus on a type of benefit that is beginning to take shape in the sector, payment per access to Premium multimedia content.

One of the main characteristics of in-flight entertainment systems is undoubtedly the fact of offering a range of multimedia content such as films, television series and documentaries. Normally, the multimedia content offered on board belongs to the catalog that most licensing companies offer to operators. Normally this content lasts one year with very competitive prices. Normally, the coach companies offer their passengers the content without any cost, although it is true that the antiquity of the films does not favor the possibility of the purchase of films by the passengers.

There is now the possibility of buying premium content dating back 1 or 2 months from license owners, to integrate into the on-board entertainment systems and that the passenger can access it by paying an amount between 1 and 2 euros for the access to each content or 6 euros for access for the duration of the trip.

Usually, the revenue generated by this type of premium content is either shared with the content licensing companies, or these contents have a higher cost than normal content, but it is true that there is the possibility of earning additional income by integrating them.

Considering the different routes that currently covers the coach sector, and that there are multitudes of routes and tours across the European continent, the integration of a paid content system can be interesting for companies on a large number of roads.

Ultimately, we are talking about affecting the quality of the services offered on board and generating a possible increase in income through the use of an on-board multimedia system.


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