Passenger counter for buses

Why do I need a passenger counter for my bus?

The bus passenger counter is a high-precision capacity control system that allows knowing the number of passengers in vehicles and in the fleet in real time. It is a key tool to control the capacity inside our vehicles. They help the driver to control capacity at all times and reinforce security in the bus fleet . Knowing how many passengers are inside the vehicle at all times is key: This data allows you to know how close you are to the maximum capacity allowed. Similarly, it tells us if we should request a second backup vehicle, and obtain data and statistics with information that we can use to make decisions, which can have a direct impact on our fleet.


How does the bus passenger counter work?

 El contador de pasajeros se activa cuando se abren las puertas, y cuenta con una cámara en la puerta delantera y otra en la parte trasera. Los sensores en las cámaras miden la temperatura de la cabeza de una persona y la comparan con la de los hombros, de esa forma saben que se trata de una persona en movimiento, y su sistema de infrarrojos hace que no dependa de las condiciones de luz.. El sistema cuenta y descuenta los pasajeros automáticamente, ofreciendo al conductor datos en tiempo real.


How does a bus passenger counter help my fleet?

The information collected by each vehicle is sent to a control panel . In addition to recording the images captured by the sensors, the system stores and centralizes daily analysis of each of the vehicles. By having a global vision of the entire fleet, we can analyze the months, days and peak hours that need to be reinforced, or on the contrary, reduce frequencies to save resources. Likewise, the data allows us to observe if there are routes with a greater or lesser influx of passengers, or if we need buses with greater or lesser capacity.


What benefits can a passenger counter bring me?

The passenger counter offers a predictive system that helps to adjust the service offer to the real transport demand, and allows the information to be sent in real time to the data center. Apart from improving the efficiency of our resources, the bus passenger counter allows us to considerably reduce the costs related to accidents . It is also a great way to build confidence in our passengers and avoid dangerous situations.


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