Measuring the success of the Wi-Fi system in the coach

Knowing the success of our Wi-Fi service with coach passengers is not always easy to obtain, because most Wi-Fi systems on the market do not have measurement tools to obtain information on use and performance.
Why is it interesting to measure the success of our wifi system in the coach? The answer is simple: it is a service that has a cost for the company itself and therefore it is important to know, first, whether such an expense is justified or not in time, and on the other hand, if we give passengers the level of service they want.

Know the user to measure success

There are two possible explanations if a Wi-Fi system in a coach is little used by passengers:

Given these two interpretations, we conclude that it is essential to know precisely the users who connect to our Wifi system to determine the success of our system and therefore justify your economic investment.

Duration of sessions

Another key factor in determining the success of our Wi-Fi system in the coach is the duration of the connection sessions, ie the duration of the passenger's connection to the Internet through our service.

We may have many new members online, but if we have sessions that are short in duration relative to travel time , we may determine that we are making a mistake somewhere. For example, on a one-hour journey and having a percentage of sessions less than 20 minutes, it is certainly a bad result if we want to obtain a positive evaluation of our Wifi system in the coach. For this reason, it is very important to measure and analyze the sessions of our passengers to check consistency with the trip itself.

Repetition of users

This indicator is very useful. Having the information of knowing how many of our passengers reconnect to our system and also knowing how many times, this indicator is undoubtedly the one that can help us to measure exactly the positive evaluation of the passenger . We say “may” because if the service provided by the coach is not reused by passengers in the usual way, this indicator will not be useful to us.

Make the investment profitable

In conclusion, as we have been able to observe, measuring the success of Wifi systems in the coach is something really important for transport companies which have made a strong investment in equipment and monthly service, and therefore this investment must be made profitable. : then the first objective is to make passengers use this service as much as possible, to then have the possibility of exploiting to the maximum the online users that we have in our Wifi network.


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