Satellite television and in motion, it is already possible

Durante los últimos cinco años hemos visto como cada vez son más los medios de transporte han empezado a apostar fuertemente por la instalación de diversos sistemas de entretenimiento a bordo en autobuses y autocares con un objetivo principal: buscar el incremento de su oferta de servicios, lograr la diferenciación con respecto a su competencia y el incremento en el número de pasajeros ven en este medio de transporte una alternativa al tren, el avión e incluso el coche.Televisión en directo en el autobús
Y entre toda esta oferta de servicios de entretenimiento a bordo, encontramos la televisión vía satélite. Un nuevo sistema que nace gracias al desarrollo de nuevas antenas satelitales que son capaces de seguir todo tipo de satélites de forma automática.

Digital satellite television in moving vehicles

Satellite television has been used as an entertainment system for many years, but fundamentally in fixed locations such as private residences, campsites, caravans and pleasure boats... It has not been until recent years when the market has offered different antennas that make it possible to monitoring of satellites from moving vehicles such as the bus so that you can enjoy live satellite television during the route .

What do I need to be able to enjoy live television on my bus?

Satellite TV system in bus

What types of satellite antennas for vehicles are on the market?

Basically, it offers us two models of satellite antennas specially designed for use in buses :

Its main differences are two:

What live satellite TV services can I offer my customers?

Basically there are three services that can currently be offered to the passenger by installing a satellite antenna that allows the reception of the chosen satellite signal in motion :

Currently, the installation of live satellite television is the most economical investment for those companies that simply and directly want to offer quality entertainment to their passengers.


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